Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary Mon, 30 Sep 2024 22:05:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Week-at-a-Glance Sept. 30 – Oct. 4 Mon, 30 Sep 2024 22:05:11 +0000 This is best viewed on a desktop or laptop.

We had a very successful Walk for Truth and Reconciliation on Friday.

Monday, Sept. 30

Day of Truth and Reconciliation (classes not in session)

Tuesday,... Read more »

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We had a very successful Walk for Truth and Reconciliation on Friday.

Monday, Sept. 30

  • Day of Truth and Reconciliation (classes not in session)

Tuesday, Oct. 1

  • Have a great day!

Wednesday, Oct. 2

  • PAC meeting at 7 pm in the library

Thursday, Oct. 3

  • Have a great day!

Friday, Oct. 4

  • Day to recognize Cerebral Palsy (please wear green to show your support)

Upcoming Dates & Things to Note:


Upcoming dates!

Oct. 11 – First Hot Lunch day (please make sure your orders are in before the deadline)

Oct. 14 – Thanksgiving Day (classes not in session)

Oct. 17 – Student Vote for grades 4-7 – Thanks to Ms. McLeod for organizing this.

Fundraising Information

Please see below for PH PAC Fundraising Initiatives (A big thank you to all parents involved in fundraising!)

🍁Fall Bulb & Flower Fundraiser!🌷

We are thrilled to be working with @centralcanalfarms once again to bring you a wonderful fall fundraiser! Flowers available: 💐 Peony Roots $15-$25 💐 Thanksgiving Bouquets $20 💐 Tulip, Ranunculus, and Garlic Bulbs How to order: Items can be purchased by visiting: and use the “shop” tab at the top! Please select “FARM PICKUP” at checkout and enter “PHT” for the fundraiser question. Bouquets will be available for pickup at the school on Friday, October 11th, from 3pm-3:30pm in front of the office ****Bulbs and Roots MAY also be ready on October 11th, but please allow a 1 week extension for delivery. If an extension is needed a pickup time (at the school) will be provided. 🌷 50 cents from each item purchased through this fundraiser will go to support the school program at Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. Thank you once again for your support!


Upcoming Parent/Caregiver Information and Sessions:

Welcome Autumn

The rainy weather is coming and at Pebble Hill we go outside in (almost) all weather. Please help your children dress for it!

Page 3 | Rain Gear Children Vectors ...

Allergy Alert

Please be aware that we are a scent-free school. We have people in our school community who have severe allergies to products which contain scents. Please refrain from wearing any of these products.

Homestay Opportunities with the District

Canadian Dental Care Plan

The application for the Canada Dental Care Plan is for people under the age of 18 years old at the moment. We are trying to reach out to every family in the Fraser Valley. 

 Applications are currently open for Persons with disabilities and children under 18. The program will then expand to all eligible Canadian residents as of 2025. Please see attached poster for more information.  CDCP-POSTER_EN.pdf 

 The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) aims at reducing the costs of dental care for Canadian residents who have a family net income of less than $90,000 per year. If you have any questions, would like more information on Service Canada programs, services and benefits, or if you would like to plan an outreach activity with us, please do not hesitate to contact me by return email or phone. I would be happy to provide you and/or your staff with more information on our services at your convenience. 

Julie Veer  (elle, she/her) 

Bilingual Citizen Services Specialist, Citizen Services Branch, 

Service Canada, Government of Canada cell: 236-380-0587 

From Fraser Health:

October – Respiratory season and fall immunizations

Protect your children from respiratory illnesses this winter

Respiratory illnesses tend to increase as we spend more time indoors. Common colds, the flu and COVID-19 spread through tiny droplets as people who are sick breathe, talk, cough or sneeze. When other people breathe in or touch these droplets and then their eyes, mouth or nose before washing their hands they may become sick.

There are a handful of steps both children and adults can take to protect themselves and limit the spread of respiratory illnesses:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water. Use alcohol-based sanitizer if soap and water is not available.
  • Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, mouth and nose.
  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow.
  • If you have symptoms, stay home and stay away from people at higher risk of serious illness. If you are sick and cannot stay away from others, wear a mask. Learn more about masks here: Masks (

Flu and COVID-19 vaccinations

The best way to protect others and reduce the risk of getting sick with the flu and COVID-19 is to get immunized. The flu and COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and available for free to anyone aged six months and older.

It is much safer to get the vaccines than to get the illnesses. Register your children with the Get Vaccinated system so that you can be invited to book their vaccinations when they are due.

Learn more here: Immunizations – Fraser Health Authority

School-aged immunizations

As children get older, the protection from some infant immunizations can wear off. Children can be at risk of new diseases as they enter kindergarten and, in their pre-teen and teen years. Getting your child vaccinated on schedule is the best way to protect them from many dangerous diseases.

All routine school-aged immunizations are free in British Columbia. If your child has not yet had all their vaccines, please make an appointment with a public health unit, family doctor, nurse practitioner or pharmacy. If your child’s record shows their vaccines are not up to date but they did get vaccines from a health care provider outside of public health:

Learn more about school-aged immunizations, including how to access your child’s records, here: Children and youth immunizations – Fraser Health Authority

Student Vacations during the School Year

Please understand that teachers are not required to provide study materials/assignments for students who are away on vacation during school days. Students may read everyday, keep a travel journal with facts related to the destination (in full sentences and/or well written paragraphs) and practice math facts (extension: math related word problems). Happy travels!

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Week-at-a-Glance June 3-7 Sun, 02 Jun 2024 23:26:00 +0000 This is best viewed on a desktop or laptop.

This ‘quilt’ is a composition of Kindness ideas from many PH classes. It was created by Mrs. Johal, our Child and Youth Care Worker (CYCW) and some student helpers.... Read more »

The post Week-at-a-Glance June 3-7 appeared first on Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary.

This is best viewed on a desktop or laptop.

This ‘quilt’ is a composition of Kindness ideas from many PH classes. It was created by Mrs. Johal, our Child and Youth Care Worker (CYCW) and some student helpers.

Monday, June 3

  • Bike (or scooter) to School Week begins.

Tuesday, June 4

  • Band and Choir concert at 1:30 and 6:30. Parents welcome!

Wednesday, June 5

  • Have a great day!

Thursday, June 6

  • Today would be a great day to ride to school!

Friday, June 7

  • Freezie Friday – Last one of the year to support for our Grade 7 end of the year activities!

Upcoming Dates & Things to Note:


Upcoming dates!

June 1 – Pride Month

June 11 – Parent Appreciation during Drop Off

June 14 – Sports Day

June 25 – Grade 7 Leaving Ceremony

June 27 – Last day for students – 10:30am dismissal

Fundraising Information

Please see below for PH PAC Fundraising Initiatives (A big thank you to all parents involved in fundraising!)

Please visit the PAC Fundraising page for on-going ways you can support the PH PAC.


2024-2025 Class Placement Information

In the coming weeks, the Pebble Hill staff will start to tentatively look at next year’s organization and possible class placements for students.

Some Things to Know about Our Process:

Class placements are important decisions and something that teachers consider very carefully.

FACTORS & CONSIDERATIONS: Assigning students to classes is a very complex task that takes into consideration a variety of factors, including: learning styles and strengths, what a student is able to achieve in relation to the goals of the curriculum, degree of independence in work habits, social and personal needs, age and physical maturity, previous placements, gender balance of class, etc….

The number of staff members assigned to our school is decided by the Superintendent’s Office and is based on projected student enrolment. Enrolment estimates and class size guidelines affect the configuration of classes, which may also necessitate a particular organizational configuration (i.e. whether or not we have combined or “split” classes and the number of students, per grade, in the class).

SCHOOL-BASED DECISIONS: The professional staff is in contact with children in the school setting for 30 hours a week. Your child’s present teacher, along with other educators who work with your child, have a year’s worth of current, rich information and insight about the conditions under which your child learns best. Therefore, decisions around where to place students are determined through school-based, team decisions, based on their recommendations.

INPUT FROM PARENTS: As our partners in education, parents may also have important information to assist us with the placement of students. Parents are welcome to share with the school personal, educational, or social information that could affect their child’s placement. Our staff will keep in mind this information, along with the above considerations, when building classes.

If you have information about your child and the kind of learning environment in which she/he best works and learns, and you would like to share this information with our staff, please fill in the “Parent Information” form by clicking on the link below.  Please keep in mind that any Pebble Hill staff member may see this information. This is optional. Please complete the form no later than Monday, June 3rd, 2024  

It is important to note that it is not possible for parents to choose their child’s teacher or make requests regarding other students. Teachers who are currently on staff may not be here next year, may not be assigned the same grade, or may not teach a class configuration that meets your child’s learning needs. Whatever the scenario, we strive to place your child in a warm, caring environment that will maximize his/her learning potential.

Should you have information you wish to share with us, please fill in the online form by Monday, June 3rd, 2024.  Please fill in 1 form for each child.

Please note, parents are not required to do this.  It’s optional.

Upcoming Parent/Caregiver Information and Sessions:

Looking to better understand your child’s behaviour?

Family Smart has monthly online and in person events to help. Work shops like:

Beyond Behaviours: When Is It More? What It Looks Like at Ages 9 to 12

and many more…

Check out their calendar here

District Summer Learning Opportunities

An innovative, enriching and free program for English Language Learners (Focus on Literacy) for Students entering grades 1 to 7. Sessions run July 2-12 or July 15-26, McCloskey Elementary,  9:00am-1:00/1:30pm Monday to Friday.

Summer Reading Club

Summer Reading Club (SRC) will take place again at the Tsawwassen Library this summer! SRC promotes summer reading and offers fun learning opportunities through reading records, live performances and online activities.

This year’s theme is World of Curiosities. Registration for both in-person and online begins on June 21. Information about SRC and how to register can be found at

Summer Elementary Basketball Camps

Grits Sports is running our annual Summer Elementary Basketball Camps for students currently in grade 5, 6 and 7. Below are the following dates:
Week 1: July 2-5 (9:00am – 11:30am)
Week 2: July 8 -12 (9:00am – 11:00am)
Week 3: July 15-19 (9:00am – 11:00am)
Week 4: July 22-26 (9:00am – 11:00am
Location: South Delta Secondary School (750 53rd Street, Delta)
Please complete the Google Form below for full registration:
A reminder that BOTH the Google Form and Payment must be completed in order to confirm your registration. A confirmation email will be sent within 1 business day.
Payment will be e-transferred to

Student Vacations during the School Year

Please understand that teachers are not required to provide study materials/assignments for students who are away on vacation during school days. Students may read everyday, keep a travel journal with facts related to the destination (in full sentences and/or well written paragraphs) and practice math facts (extension: math related word problems). Happy travels!

Medication requirements for students

If your child has any serious allergies or medical conditions, and/or needs to have access to medication such as an inhaler or epipen at school, there is a form that needs to be completed each year. Please contact our Administrative Assistant for more information and to receive the form.

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Week-at-a-Glance April 8-12 Sun, 07 Apr 2024 22:41:45 +0000 This is best viewed on a desktop or laptop.

The WITS Program was developed at the University of Victoria to help children deal with social issues. Pebble Hill staff and students have adopted the program and it is becoming our common language at the school.... Read more »

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The WITS Program was developed at the University of Victoria to help children deal with social issues. Pebble Hill staff and students have adopted the program and it is becoming our common language at the school.

The W in WITS stands for:

Walk away!  Just leave the situation you are in. Take a friend with you if you can. Get help if you need it.

 For more information, visit

Monday, April 8

  • Solar Eclipse – Based on recommendations from Fraser Health, we have adjusted our recess time slightly to avoid having the children outside at 10:42. The teachers have lots of resources at their disposal to discuss and teach about this amazing natural phenomenon.

Tuesday, April 9

  • Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 10

  • District Reading Link Challenge – congratualtions to the team of Aveera, Esme, Ella, Evelyn, Nora and Alex (also known as team Oreo Mess) who will be representing PH at this event.
  • Fire Drill
  • Track and Field practice after lunch for students in grades 4 & 5. A reminder to bring good running shoes and a water bottle (as well as other weather dependant items i.e sun screen, hat, wind breaker)
  • Our School Liason Officer, Constable Porter, will be speaking to our grades 6 and 7 students about online safety.

Thursday, April 11

  • Have a great day!

Friday, April 12

  • First Hot Lunch of Term 3 – thank you to the parents involved in this great endevour!
  • Track and Field practice

Upcoming Dates & Things to Note:


Upcoming dates!

April 9 – End of Ramadan

April 13 – Vaisakhi

April 16PAC Meeting – All Pebble Hill parents are welcome

April 17 – Early Dismissal (2 pm) – Teachers prepare for Student Led Conferences

April 18 – Early Dismissal (2 pm) – Student Led Conferences

May 8 – Regional Track and Field Meet @ South Delta Secondary

May 14 – District Track and Field Meet @ North Delta Secoondary

May 17 – Professional Development Day (school not in session)

May 20 – Victoria Day

May 25 – Pebble Hill celebrates its 50th Anniversary. Please plan to join us!

Fundraising Information

Please see below for PH PAC Fundraising Initiatives (A big thank you to all parents involved in fund raising!)

Neufelds fundraiser!! 

Ordering is open now until 11:59pm on April 12th!

Pickup is April 18th 4-4:45pm in front of the school.

Please use our link to order:


Upcoming Parent/Caregiver Information and Sessions:

Delta District Parent Advisory Council Annual Open House and Social

The Delta District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) would like to invite all parents and caregivers to attend their Annual Open House and Social:


Date:                                    Monday, April 8, 2024

Time:                                    7pm – 8:30pm

Location:                           School Board Office, 4585 Harvest Drive, Delta

Contact Name:              Jennifer Rak, Chair, DPAC


RSVP by:                            Friday, April 5th

This is an opportunity for parents, caregivers and those in our school community to meet district employees, community partners and of course, your DPAC Executives. The evening will start with short introductions before opening up the floor to socialize, gather information and enjoy a snack. Children are welcome since this will not be a formal meeting.

It is also the last meeting before the DPAC AGM on Monday, May 13th where the elections for the 2024/25 DPAC Executives will happen. If any parents or caregivers are looking to get more involved at the district level, this event will be an opportunity to speak to the DPAC Executives regarding positions and ask any questions they may have.

Please RSVP to by Friday, April 5.

Family Sessions on the topic of Social Media Awareness

The Ministry of Education has announced new dates for online Family Sessions on the topic of Social Media Awareness. These sessions are meant for caregivers and children aged 10 and up.

 Dates: Wednesday, April 10 and Tuesday, April 16.

Time: All sessions take place from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.

The sessions can be accessed at the following link: erase Family Sessions (

Student Learning Survey 2023/2024 – Parent Survey – Have your say!

The Provincial Student Learning Survey is unique in its scope, size and usefulness to schools. It gathers information from parents/guardians/caregivers, teachers, and students on topics related to school environment, safety, and achievement. The information is used for planning in individual schools and provides a district and provincial perspective. Early in 2024 the Student Learning Survey will be given to students, their parents/guardians/caregivers, and all school staff. We encourage parents/guardians/caregivers to participate in this survey, as the results are important in identifying and celebrating current strengths, as well as determining where the school needs to focus improvement. The surveys contain standard questions for the Province – in addition, questions from the school and/or district that focus on local conditions or issues may be included.

The survey can be completed electronically and can be accessed on the Internet at

Any computer with an Internet connection can be used, and access to the e-survey is simple and secure. The survey can be accessed through the link with or without an anonymous logon code by selecting the school district and school name where your child attends school. Provincial, District and School Reports for previous years can be viewed at the same site under the Results section. The e-survey site will be open until May 3rd.

Looking to better understand your child’s behaviour?

Family Smart has monthly online and in person events to help. Work shops like:

Beyond Behaviours: When Is It More? What It Looks Like at Ages 9 to 12

and many more…

Check out their calendar here

Homestay Families Needed!


Host an international student. Have a lifelong impact on a child from across the world!
Homestay remuneration is $1150/month starting September 2024.
Call Tania Hope directly at 604-952-5385!

Student Vacations during the School Year

Please understand that teachers are not required to provide study materials/assignments for students who are away on vacation during school days. Students may read everyday, keep a travel journal with facts related to the destination (in full sentences and/or well written paragraphs) and practice math facts (extension: math related word problems). Happy travels!

Medication requirements for students

If your child has any serious allergies or medical conditions, and/or needs to have access to medication such as an inhaler or epipen at school, there is a form that needs to be completed each year. Please contact Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Crawford, for more information and to receive the form.

The post Week-at-a-Glance April 8-12 appeared first on Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary.

Week-at-a-Glance Jan. 22-26 Sun, 21 Jan 2024 23:50:15 +0000 This is best viewed on a desktop or laptop.

Monday, Jan. 22

Taekwondo sessions – each class will receive 1-2 sessions this week with an instructor from Chang’s Taekwondo

Tuesday, Jan.... Read more »

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This is best viewed on a desktop or laptop.Christmas Snowman Cartoon Character, Snowman, Christmas, Cartoon PNG Transparent Image and Clipart for Free Download

Monday, Jan. 22

  • Taekwondo sessions – each class will receive 1-2 sessions this week with an instructor from Chang’s Taekwondo

Tuesday, Jan. 23

  • Taekwondo sessions continue

Wednesday, Jan. 24

  • Late French Immersion presentation for Grade 5 students (postponed last week)

Thursday, Jan. 25

  • Taekwondo sessions continue
  • Casual Day

Friday, Jan. 26

  • Professional Development Day – Most of our staff will be diving deeper with their learning regarding Math Minds – Classes not in session

Upcoming Dates & Things to Note:



Upcoming dates!

February 10th – Lunar New Year

February 12th – First day of Kindergarten Registration at Pebble Hill

Parent Information

Please see below for PH PAC Fundraising Initiatives (A big thank you to all parents involved in fund raising!)

Atlantis Day Spa:

Pebble Hill PAC has once again partnered with Atlantis Day Spa.  $10 from each $50 gift card sold will be donated to Pebble Hill PAC. These make fantastic gifts for Valentine’s Day!
Orders will need to be submitted by Thursday Feb. 8th at 3pm for pickup Monday Feb. 12th at 3pm in front of the school.  (If you are unable to make that time please let us know at and we can make other arrangements)
Please use this link to order or the QR code that will be going home with each student this week:
Thank you for your support.
Krispy Kreme:
This year the Pebble Hill PAC will be selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts to fundraise!!  Order forms will be going home with students this week.  We will be selling (by preorder) boxes of one dozen Original Glazed Doughnuts for $15/box.  Orders must be submitted with payment by 10am on Wednesday Feb. 7th.  Cash, cheque made out to Pebble Hill PAC, and etransfer to using the password: pebblehill.  If you etranfser, please write your name, and the name of your student in the comment section.
Orders MUST be picked up on Thursday Feb. 15th from 3pm – 3:30pm in front of the school.  Orders must be picked up by the seller/student/parent (not each individual family member or friend who ordered from you).  If you would like an emailed form or have any questions please email: 



*Please pass this message along to anyone who transports your children to school. The city by-law officer has informed us that there will be times when they are ticketing cars that are stopped or parked contrary to posted signage.  This may include cars left unattended in the drop-off/pick-up zone in front of the school. Please stop and/or park only where permitted (Please pay close attention to road signs!)Please leave for school with ample time in the morning and/or afternoon to either safely drop-off or pick-up students or to park legally and walk students onto the school grounds.

* Please avoid use of the school roundabout. Please do not leave your vehicle unattended in the roundabout, especially during drop-off/pick-up times. Please help to keep traffic moving at a safe pace in school zones.

With the exception of the two fundraiser parking stalls won by specific parents, please refrain from driving into the Staff Parking Lot.



Student Vacations during the School Year

Please understand that teachers are not required to provide study materials/assignments for students who are away on vacation during school days. Students may read everyday, keep a travel journal with facts related to the destination (in full sentences and/or well written paragraphs) and practice math facts (extension: math related word problems). Happy travels!


Medication requirements for students:

If your child has any serious allergies or medical conditions, and/or needs to have access to medication such as an inhaler or epipen at school, there is a form that needs to be completed each year. Please contact Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Crawford, for more information and to receive the form.

The post Week-at-a-Glance Jan. 22-26 appeared first on Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary.

Week-at-a-Glance Dec. 4 – 8 Mon, 04 Dec 2023 02:05:07 +0000 This is best viewed on a desktop or laptop:

Monday, Dec. 4

Please ensure students come to school dressed for the possibility of very wet weather. A change of clothes (with socks!) is sometimes needed after outdoor play.... Read more »

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This is best viewed on a desktop or laptop:


Monday, Dec. 4


  • Please ensure students come to school dressed for the possibility of very wet weather. A change of clothes (with socks!) is sometimes needed after outdoor play. Please send students in appropriate footwear as they are sure to encounter puddles while playing outside!


  • At the beginning of the week, students will start to prepare for Pebble Hill’s Food Drive to support Deltassist that begins this Wednesday, December 6! Please check food donations for expiry dates before students start bringing items to school on Wednesday. Thank-you to the Grade 7 Leadership Team for collecting the food from classrooms and organizing it into boxes.

Tuesday, Dec. 5



Have a great day!


Wednesday, Dec. 6



Wednesday, Dec. 6 – 13

  • Pebble Hill’s Food Drive for Deltassist begins today! Please bring non-perishable items to class for pick-up by the Grade 7 Volunteers. Please carefully check donations to ensure items have not expired. 

Thursday, Dec. 7



We wish celebrating families all the best for a very Happy Hanukkah! December 7 – 15


Friday, Dec. 8


  • Dairy Queen Hot Lunch Day! Hot Lunch Days are PAC supported school fundraisers. Thanks, Parent Volunteers! (Placed orders are available to view on Munch-a-Lunch online.



Upcoming Dates & Things to Note:



Upcoming dates!


Tuesday, December 5: In partnership with the Ministry’s Erase strategy, due to high demand, the school district is offering an additional “Social Media Awareness” Family Session.This 60 minute session will be held virtually via Zoom. If interested, please click the link below:Social Media Awareness


Wednesday, December 6 through Wednesday, December 13: Pebble Hill’s Grade 7 Leadership Team coordinates the school’s support of Deltassist’s Food Drive! Please see details in a section of notes below.


Thursday, December 7 through Friday, December 15: Happy Hanukkah!


Friday, December 8: Dairy Queen Hot Lunch (Orders placed through Munch-a-Lunch online) Thank-you to parent volunteers who organize and run the Hot Lunch Program! This is an enormous job and a valued PAC fundraiser for the school.


Tuesday, December 12: Choir/Band Concerts at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. Doors open at 1:15pm and 6:15pm.


Wednesday, December 13: Purdy’s Fundraiser order pick-up day! Please meet PAC members distributing orders at the school front from 3:00pm to 3:30pm. Contact Megan at for alternate pick-up options, if needed. Thank-you!


Tuesday, December 19: School-wide Holiday Concerts at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. Doors open at 1:15pm and 6:15pm.


Thursday, December 21: Spirit Day! Wear red & green – tis the season theme!


Thursday, December 21: Hot Dog Lunch Day! (Orders placed through Munch-a-Lunch online)


Thursday, December 21: Gingerbread Day for students in the gym during the afternoon. Details provided by classroom teachers closer to the date.


Friday, December 22: Last day of school before Winter Break. See you again on January 8, 2024!




*Please pass this message along to anyone who transports your children to school. The city by-law officer has informed us that there will be times when they are ticketing cars that are stopped or parked contrary to posted signage.  This may include cars left unattended in the drop-off/pick-up zone in front of the school. Please stop and/or park only where permitted (Please pay close attention to road signs!)Please leave for school with ample time in the morning and/or afternoon to either safely drop-off or pick-up students or to park legally and walk students onto the school grounds.

* Please avoid use of the school roundabout. Please do not leave your vehicle unattended in the roundabout, especially during drop-off/pick-up times. Please help to keep traffic moving at a safe pace in school zones.

With the exception of the two fundraiser parking stalls won by specific parents, please refrain from driving into the Staff Parking Lot.



Student Vacations during the School Year

Please understand that teachers are not required to provide study materials/assignments for students who are away on vacation during school days. Students may read everyday, keep a travel journal with facts related to the destination (in full sentences and/or well written paragraphs) and practice math facts (extension: math related word problems). Happy travels!



December 6 through December 13: PH supports Deltassist Food Security Programs 


*Please note: We must not donate expired food. Please carefully check item expiry dates. Thank-you!

Deltassist has several programs that respond to crisis and gaps in services that have no formal funding other that donations from the community. Here are items they are in immediate need of:



DELTASSIST – Most needed items



News from Delta Continuing Education:

Presented by Delta School District’s Continuing Education program.

Early Childhood Educator Assistant Certificate – Part-time

Open to all community members!

This program meets the needs of those wanting to obtain an ECE Assistant Certificate while ensuring that they receive a thorough grounding in Early Childhood Education principles. Program Start Date: January 2024 More information:


Presented by Delta School District’s Continuing Education program as a Red Cross First Aid Training Partner.

First Aid for Opioid Poisoning Emergencies

Open to educators and community members

Become knowledgeable and confident in how to respond to an opioid poisoning emergency, including how to administer nasal naloxone. Taught on-line, there is no cost for this course. Duration: approximately 60 minutes, completed at your own pace. More information:




Medication requirements for students:

If your child has any serious allergies or medical conditions, and/or needs to have access to medication such as an inhaler or epipen at school, there is a form that needs to be completed each year. Please contact Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Crawford, for more information and to receive the form.


Fraser Health’s Healthy Back-to-School Guide:

* Please remember that Delta Schools are scent-free zones due to the high sensitivity and/or allergic reactions of some students & staff. Please help by joining by avoiding scented products. Thank-you!




Online Safety – Monitoring tech use & online activity

Helping kids stay safe while online is something many parents/guardians are concerned about. We encourage review of the following resources for more information on the online interests of young people, the potential risks they face, and proactive strategies to help keep them safe!

Raising Digitally Responsible Youth: Parent’s Guide: helps teens stop the spread of sexual pictures or videos and provides support along the way. If you or someone you know has been negatively impacted by a self/peer exploitation incident, we are here to help offer guidance on the steps you can take to get through it.

Other sites:

* Students are encouraged to always tell parents or other trusted adults if someone has made an inappropriate request or made them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.


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Early Dismissal Sat, 17 Apr 2021 16:04:49 +0000 ... Read more »

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The post Early Dismissal appeared first on Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary.

March 27 – Letter to Families Fri, 27 Mar 2020 20:09:08 +0000 Letter to Parents Mar 27... Read more »

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Letter to Parents Mar 27

The post March 27 – Letter to Families appeared first on Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary.

March 27 – Update for Families Fri, 27 Mar 2020 20:08:30 +0000 Letter to Parents Mar 27... Read more »

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Letter to Parents Mar 27

The post March 27 – Update for Families appeared first on Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary.

COVID-19 Updates from the District Mon, 16 Mar 2020 19:14:02 +0000 Please follow this link to see the latest updates from the Delta School District regarding COVID-19.
 ... Read more »

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Please follow this link to see the latest updates from the Delta School District regarding COVID-19.


The post COVID-19 Updates from the District appeared first on Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary.

COVID-19 Updates from the District Mon, 16 Mar 2020 19:12:09 +0000 Please follow this link to the most updated information from the Delta School District regarding COVID-19. ... Read more »

The post COVID-19 Updates from the District appeared first on Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary.

Please follow this link to the most updated information from the Delta School District regarding COVID-19. 

The post COVID-19 Updates from the District appeared first on Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary.
