Please read below for answers to frequent questions from parents and caregivers.  The categories include:

  • School Logistics and Combined Classes

  • PAC

  • Pick Up/ Drop Off / Days Off

  • Kindergarten Specific Information

Please let us know if you have additional questions or if you notice errors.  We’d love to hear from you at pac.pht@gmail.com

School Logistics:

What does it mean to be a traditional school?

A traditional school follows the same government regulated curriculum as all public schools in British Columbia.  A traditional school does have a requirement for students to wear a uniform and there is a focus on manners. For example, students are asked to stand and acknowledge guests when they enter the classroom. The three pillars of Pebble Hill Traditional are Integrity, Excellence & Respect.


What is a combined class?

We are often asked why students from consecutive grades are grouped together in one class. Organizing classes to best meet the needs of all students is a complex process and is influenced by various factors such as shifting enrolment, class size and the need to create balanced classes (in terms of gender, ability, interests, learning styles, social or behavioural considerations etc.). Please note: The placement of your child in a combined-grade class does not mean that they have not met curriculum requirements or that they are ahead of their peers.

Whether they are in single- or combined-grade classes, students display a wide range of skills and abilities. Our educators focus on each student’s learning strengths and encourage every child on their learning journey. The curriculum, with its focus on engaging the learner through a lens of inquiry-based learning using critical thinking, is well suited to combined classes of learners. As well, the Curriculum Core Competencies – communication, thinking, and personal and social – are easily supported in a combined class of learners.

Research shows that there are academic and social benefits to combined-grade classes such as:

  • the development of independent learning skills
  • students learn from each other
  • the enhancement of social/emotional development
  • leadership opportunities for students


How do Professional Days work?

Professional Days are pre-determined days where the teachers in the school take time to learn about best practices, update their teaching capabilities and strengthen the team within Pebble Hill.  In order to accommodate this, students are given the day off. You will have to find alternative care for your student(s) as there is no one available to care for your student.

Do I need to label my student’s school supplies? Clothes?

While it’s not a requirement, we highly recommend labeling your student’s clothing.  As many students have the same clothing, it makes it easier to find your student’s belongings when things go missing.

When is picture day and what should my student wear?

The school will send out information about picture day.  There are two picture days: The first one is for individual photos and the second is for a class photo.  Your student should wear a crested shirt for their photo.


How strict are the uniform regulations?

Pebble Hill Traditional students are encouraged to take pride in their uniform by wearing a clean uniform to school that follows our simple Uniform Guidelines

When does my student have to wear their crested shirt and when can they wear a plain one?

The only requirements for a crested shirt is on picture days and for field trips.  Otherwise, the choice is yours.

Where can I find a calendar of events?


What is Parent Connect?

Parent Connect is an online portal that allows you to ensure all the information about your student is accurate and up-to-date.  This includes information about who is able to pick up your student, what field trips your student is able to attend, and so much more.  This is also where you can view your child’s Progress Report.

How do I stay in touch with the school?

There are many ways to understand what’s happening at the school or with your student.  You can go to the school and make an appointment with your teacher. For those who are unable to visit the school during working hours, there are other options.  Every teacher at the school has an email account and checks it regularly. Furthermore, the school communicates regularly through newsletters, emails, and letters in the back-and-forth agendas.

I’m not receiving emails from the school… what do I do?

Log on to Parent Connect and update your information.  If you can’t do that, get in touch with Cheryl Crawford, the Administrative Assistant for the school.  She will be able to point you in the right direction and ensure everything is up-to-date.

What is a house colour?  How do I know what colour my student is?

Pebble Hill designates each student a house colour.  There are four colours and the colour that your students is designated in their first year is the colour they will be for the remainder of their time at Pebble Hill.  Siblings will also be on the same house team. Most of the time, the house colour will not impact the day-to-day however Sports Day is different. Keep an eye out for costume pieces and bike decorations in your student’s house colour as it’ll make it much easier when Sport’s Day rolls around in June.

How do I volunteer in the classroom?

If you’d like to volunteer in your student’s classroom, please talk to their teacher. They’d love your support!

How does lunchtime work?

Students are given 15 minutes to eat their lunch, and the remaining time is spent outside.  Students are welcome to take their lunch outside if they haven’t had time to finish it. If your student is coming home and has not eaten their lunch, you may ask them about it.  Perhaps they are distracted, or they simply needed a fork or spoon. 

What is casual day?

Casual day means your student can wear whatever outfit they want. Casual Days happen once a month and usually coincide with hot lunch days.


What does the PAC do?

Our PAC serves the following purposes/objectives:

  • To communicate with parents and to promote cooperation between the home and the school in providing for the education of children.  

  • To assist parents to access the system and to advocate on behalf of parents and students.  

  • To organize PAC activities and events.  

  • To contribute to the effectiveness of the school by promoting the involvement of parents and other community members.  

  • Providing financial support for the goals of the council, as identified by the members.  

  • To advise the school principal and staff on parental views about school programs, policies, and activities.

What’s the deal with hot lunch?

Hot lunch is amazing.  As a parent or caregiver, you do not need to prepare a lunch. The prices are very reasonable and the lunch is delivered to your student in their classroom.  An added bonus is that the PAC receives revenue from the sales so ultimately, all students benefit from hot lunch sales. Orders are due one week before hot lunch day and the PAC will email you to remind you to submit your order(s).

When are the PAC meetings?  Should I go?

Check the website for up-to-date information on PAC meetings.  You absolutely should attend. It’s a great way to learn about what is happening at the school and to share your experiences.

Pick Up/ Drop Off / Days Off:

  • Where do I drop off my student?

Your student gets dropped off outside the door identified as their classroom door.  For kindergarten students (regardless of the teacher), that door is the one closest to the green and beige playground, near the roundabout.

  • What time does my student need to be at school?

The first bell rings at 8:55 am.  Students are expected to be at school and ready to enter the classroom.  The kindergarten students drop off their bags along the wall outside the door, and once the bell rings, they wait for their teacher to invite them into the school.  

  • What time is my student released from class?

Kindergarten teachers release the students at 3:00 pm.  The teacher will stand outside with your student until a guardian is present and available to take your student.  If no one shows up by 3:05 pm, your student will be taken to the office.

  • Where can I park?

Pebble Hill is a fantastic school for so many reasons, and parking is one of them.  You are welcome to park on the street on either side of the school, make sure that you’re following the posted sign instructions. Please do not park in the parking lot as it is for staff and please do not park in the roundabout.

  • What happens if someone other than a parent or guardian is going to pick up my child?

If you know in advance, please email or speak to the teacher to let them know.  If it is a day-of decision, you must call the school and let them know.  The school follows a confirmation protocol before someone new can pick up your student.

  • Are there any days when students are dismissed early?

Yes.  There are times throughout the year when the dismissal time changes.  Some examples include parent-teacher interviews and student-led conferences.  To ensure you are up-to-date and aware of changes to dismissal time, make sure you’re reading all emails, newsletters, and notices from school.

Kindergarten Specific Information:

  • What is a back-and-forth folder?

The back-and-forth folder is an excellent communication tool between you, your student and the teacher.  It’s an 8.5”x12” folder that your student must take in their backpack every day. It makes your life as a guardian much more accessible as all information to and from the school is located in one place.  Make sure to check it every evening as it does contain information about the classroom, messages from the school, permission forms, and your student’s work.

  • What happens in the first week of school?

So much. In kindergarten, it’s much shorter days so your student can adjust to being in school. During the first week, the Pebble Hill teachers and administration are busy confirming with the class configurations. Students go back to their previous classroom on the first day.

  • What events should I know about for the Kindergarten academic year?

There are many cornerstone events in your student’s first year at Pebble Hill.  If you’re able to attend these events, it will allow you to share in your child’s learning and witness the products of their classroom learning. These include, but are not limited to, the Open House (Sept), the Halloween Parade (Oct), the Remembrance Day Ceremony (Nov), the Winter Concert (Dec), Student-Led conferences (Feb), the Spring Concert (June), Sports Day (June)  and Busytown (June).

  • Does my kindergarten student need a gym strip?

No. In Kindergarten, they can just wear their every day clothes (uniform).

  • What size of backpack does my kindergarten student need?

The backpack needs to be able to be carried by your student and fit a back and forth folder and their lunch.