This is best viewed on a desktop or laptop.
The forecast is for cold weather this week. Please send your children with warm clothes.
Monday, Jan. 20 |
Tuesday, Jan. 21 |
Wednesday, Jan. 22 |
Thursday, Jan. 23 |
Friday, Jan. 24 |
Upcoming Dates & Things to Note:
Upcoming dates!
Feb. 10 – First Day of Kindergarten Registration at Pebble Hill (In person from 9:30-noon and online)
Feb. 14 – Jump Rope for Heart School Event
Feb. 19 – Early Dismissal at 2 pm (teachers prepare for conferences)
Feb. 20 – Early Dismissal at 2 pm and Student Led Conferences
Feb. 21 – Professional Development Day (Classes not in session for students)
Mar. 17-27- Spring Break
Fundraising Information
Please see below for PH PAC Fundraising Initiatives (A big thank you to all parents involved in fundraising!)
On-going Fundraisers:
Cobbs in Tsawwassen Mills – mention Pebble Hill at the till and a percentage of your order is donated back to the school.
Nellie’s Cleaning Products – Order online through Pebble Hill Traditional at
Upcoming Parent/Caregiver Information and Sessions:
Lice Clinic
Schools regularly have to deal with the issue of what to do about head lice when it flares up. The spread of head lice is most prevalent in schools because students are regularly in close contact with each other. Head lice is passed by direct head to head contact 90% of the time. Our school community is the perfect place to start normalizing the subject of head lice.
We are asking parents if they are interested in bringing in the Greater Vancouver Lice Clinic to come and screen our school community.
In order, for the Greater Vancouver Lice Clinic to provide this service we would need enough students to sign up. There is a fee of $7 per student. The service will be provided after school hours in the school gym; however, the date and time is to be determined based on interest. Please note that the clinic does not offer lice removal services in school settings. If you are interested, please contact Tanya at Please include your child’s name, their teacher and division number as well as your name.
2025 Vancouver International Children’s Festival
The 48th Annual Vancouver International Children’s Festival, which runs from May 27-30, will feature performances from artists far and wide. It also offers in-person programming to schools. For more information, please visit the 2025 VICF School Brochure.
Delta School District Seeking Volunteers for Accessibility Advisory Committee
The Delta School District is looking for student, staff and community volunteers interested in serving on its Accessibility Advisory Committee. The Accessibility Advisory Committee is dedicated to identifying social, physical, sensory and other barriers that prevent people from fully participating in all aspects of school community life and advising on strategies to reduce them, ensuring a more inclusive and accessible environment. If you are interested in helping our school district become more accessible and welcoming to all, please complete the online application (or copy and paste this link into your browser: by February 7, 2025. Applicants who are shortlisted may be required to attend a short interview. Committee appointments will be made based on best fit and in accordance with the Accessible BC Act and the applicant criteria. Applicant Criteria The Accessible BC Act stipulates that advisory committees should feature a broad spectrum of people to represent B.C.’s diverse population. Committees must include an Indigenous person, and at least half of the members must be people with disabilities, members of families of people with disabilities, or members of organizations that support people with disabilities. It is expected that all other members and organizations associated with the school district will be represented within the Accessibility Advisory Committee, including, but not limited to, the following:
To be eligible, applicants must also be a resident of the City of Delta or study, work or volunteer in Delta, or have children that study in Delta. Accessibility Plan The Delta School District has developed an Accessibility Plan which will be reviewed and updated at least once every three years in accordance with the Accessible British Columbia Act with the support of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. In addition to the committee, the district has established a working group made up of leaders within departments and schools who will carry out the work devised in the Accessibility Plan. Contact If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Braid, District Principal, Employee Services at or 604 952 2939. |
Safer Schools Together Family Sessions
Student Vacations during the School Year
Please understand that teachers are not required to provide study materials/assignments for students who are away on vacation during school days. Students may read everyday, keep a travel journal with facts related to the destination (in full sentences and/or well written paragraphs) and practice math facts (extension: math related word problems). Happy travels!