Week-at-a-Glance Jan. 6 – 10

This is best viewed on a desktop or laptop.

Monday, Jan. 6

  • First day of Term 2

Tuesday, Jan. 7

  • Have a great day!

Wednesday, Jan. 8

  • Have a great day!

Thursday, Jan. 9

  • Have a great day!

Friday, Jan. 10

  • Have a great day!

Upcoming Dates & Things to Note:


Upcoming dates!

Jan. 24 – Professional Development Day (Classes not in session for students)

Feb. 10 – First Day of Kindergarten Registration at Pebble Hill

Feb. 19 – Early Dismissal at 2 pm

Feb. 20 – Early Dismissal at 2 pm and Student Led Conferences

Feb. 21 – Professional Development Day (Classes not in session for students)


Fundraising Information

Please see below for PH PAC Fundraising Initiatives (A big thank you to all parents involved in fundraising!)

On-going Fundraisers:

Cobbs in Tsawwassen Mills – mention Pebble Hill at the till and a percentage of your order is donated back to the school.

Nellie’s Cleaning Products – Order online through Pebble Hill Traditional at https://nelliesfundraising.ca/


Upcoming Parent/Caregiver Information and Sessions:


*Please pass this message along to anyone who transports your children to school. The city by-law officer has informed us that there will be times when they are ticketing cars that are stopped or parked contrary to posted signage.  This may include cars left unattended in the drop-off/pick-up zone in front of the school. Please stop and/or park only where permitted (Please pay close attention to road signs!)Please leave for school with ample time in the morning and/or afternoon to either safely drop-off or pick-up students or to park legally and walk students onto the school grounds.

* Please avoid use of the school roundabout. Please do not leave your vehicle unattended in the roundabout, especially during drop-off/pick-up times. Please help to keep traffic moving at a safe pace in school zones.

With the exception of the two fundraiser parking stalls won by specific parents, please refrain from driving into the Staff Parking Lot.


Monthly Information from Fraser Health

January – Child and youth mental health 

Support your child’s mental health

Mental health is a key component of healthy child and youth development, and also has an impact on their relationships and their performance in school.

How can parents support positive mental health?

Parents can help support positive mental health by forming strong and caring relationships with their children.

  • Connect – talk and listen to their feelings and experiences.
  • Be active together – take a walk and build physical activity into family time.
  • Take notice – encourage and praise the positive behaviours and choices your children make.
  • Keep learning – encourage your child to learn from both positive and negative experiences.
  • Give – your time, your words and your presence.

Sometimes, parents feel like they don’t know what to say or how to interact with their youth. Learn more about tips for how to talk to your child or teen about mental health.

Get more information about positive mental health for children and youth: Positive mental health for children – Fraser Health Authority

Find out what services, programs and resources are available for your child and/or youth: Child and youth mental health – Fraser Health Authority

Safer Schools Together Family Sessions

Establishing Safe, Caring, & Respectful Digital Communities

Recommended for Parents/Caregivers/Grandparents and youth aged 10 and up as a way to facilitate the conversation of safe and caring use of technology at home and in the community. (60 minute session). For more information please click on this link https://pages.saferschoolstogether.com/erase-family-session

Everyone Welcome!

Upcoming Remote Sessions:

*Please click on the specific date to pre-register.

January 14
February 4
February 26
March 12
April 8
May 7

Regular Lice Checks

Although we haven’t had any more notifications from parents, we recommend that parents continue to do regular lice checks throughout the school year. Please see the information from Frase Health below:


Comedian Brent Butt Returns to Ladner

Canadian comedy icon Brent Butt will be performing at Genesis Theatre in Ladner on Saturday, January 18 at 7:30 pm. Brent Butt’s sitcom, Corner Gas, became an instant hit, earning numerous accolades, including an International Emmy Award nomination, and was named “Funniest Show on TV” by TV Guide readers.

In 2013, Brent Butt was honoured with a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his contributions to community and country. Most recently, his first novel, Huge, debuted to great fanfare, immediately becoming the #1 Fiction Bestseller in Canada. For the January 18 performance in Delta, Brent Butt brings his stand-up comedy back to the Genesis Theatre stage.

Reserved TICKETS are $60 and may be purchased at https://genesis-theatre.tickit.ca/

Homestay Opportunities with the District


Student Vacations during the School Year

Please understand that teachers are not required to provide study materials/assignments for students who are away on vacation during school days. Students may read everyday, keep a travel journal with facts related to the destination (in full sentences and/or well written paragraphs) and practice math facts (extension: math related word problems). Happy travels!