Week-at-a-Glance April 8-12

This is best viewed on a desktop or laptop.


The WITS Program was developed at the University of Victoria to help children deal with social issues. Pebble Hill staff and students have adopted the program and it is becoming our common language at the school.

The W in WITS stands for:

Walk away!  Just leave the situation you are in. Take a friend with you if you can. Get help if you need it.

 For more information, visit https://witsprogram.ca/.

Monday, April 8

  • Solar Eclipse – Based on recommendations from Fraser Health, we have adjusted our recess time slightly to avoid having the children outside at 10:42. The teachers have lots of resources at their disposal to discuss and teach about this amazing natural phenomenon.

Tuesday, April 9

  • Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 10

  • District Reading Link Challenge – congratualtions to the team of Aveera, Esme, Ella, Evelyn, Nora and Alex (also known as team Oreo Mess) who will be representing PH at this event.
  • Fire Drill
  • Track and Field practice after lunch for students in grades 4 & 5. A reminder to bring good running shoes and a water bottle (as well as other weather dependant items i.e sun screen, hat, wind breaker)
  • Our School Liason Officer, Constable Porter, will be speaking to our grades 6 and 7 students about online safety.

Thursday, April 11

  • Have a great day!

Friday, April 12

  • First Hot Lunch of Term 3 – thank you to the parents involved in this great endevour!
  • Track and Field practice

Upcoming Dates & Things to Note:


Upcoming dates!

April 9 – End of Ramadan

April 13 – Vaisakhi

April 16PAC Meeting – All Pebble Hill parents are welcome

April 17 – Early Dismissal (2 pm) – Teachers prepare for Student Led Conferences

April 18 – Early Dismissal (2 pm) – Student Led Conferences

May 8 – Regional Track and Field Meet @ South Delta Secondary

May 14 – District Track and Field Meet @ North Delta Secoondary

May 17 – Professional Development Day (school not in session)

May 20 – Victoria Day

May 25 – Pebble Hill celebrates its 50th Anniversary. Please plan to join us!

Fundraising Information

Please see below for PH PAC Fundraising Initiatives (A big thank you to all parents involved in fund raising!)

Neufelds fundraiser!! 

Ordering is open now until 11:59pm on April 12th!

Pickup is April 18th 4-4:45pm in front of the school.

Please use our link to order: 



Upcoming Parent/Caregiver Information and Sessions:

Delta District Parent Advisory Council Annual Open House and Social

The Delta District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) would like to invite all parents and caregivers to attend their Annual Open House and Social:


Date:                                    Monday, April 8, 2024

Time:                                    7pm – 8:30pm

Location:                           School Board Office, 4585 Harvest Drive, Delta

Contact Name:              Jennifer Rak, Chair, DPAC

Email:                                  deltadpac@gmail.com

RSVP by:                            Friday, April 5th

This is an opportunity for parents, caregivers and those in our school community to meet district employees, community partners and of course, your DPAC Executives. The evening will start with short introductions before opening up the floor to socialize, gather information and enjoy a snack. Children are welcome since this will not be a formal meeting.

It is also the last meeting before the DPAC AGM on Monday, May 13th where the elections for the 2024/25 DPAC Executives will happen. If any parents or caregivers are looking to get more involved at the district level, this event will be an opportunity to speak to the DPAC Executives regarding positions and ask any questions they may have.

Please RSVP to deltadpac@gmail.com by Friday, April 5.

Family Sessions on the topic of Social Media Awareness

The Ministry of Education has announced new dates for online Family Sessions on the topic of Social Media Awareness. These sessions are meant for caregivers and children aged 10 and up.

 Dates: Wednesday, April 10 and Tuesday, April 16.

Time: All sessions take place from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.

The sessions can be accessed at the following link: erase Family Sessions (saferschoolstogether.com)

Student Learning Survey 2023/2024 – Parent Survey – Have your say!

The Provincial Student Learning Survey is unique in its scope, size and usefulness to schools. It gathers information from parents/guardians/caregivers, teachers, and students on topics related to school environment, safety, and achievement. The information is used for planning in individual schools and provides a district and provincial perspective. Early in 2024 the Student Learning Survey will be given to students, their parents/guardians/caregivers, and all school staff. We encourage parents/guardians/caregivers to participate in this survey, as the results are important in identifying and celebrating current strengths, as well as determining where the school needs to focus improvement. The surveys contain standard questions for the Province – in addition, questions from the school and/or district that focus on local conditions or issues may be included.

The survey can be completed electronically and can be accessed on the Internet at http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/sat_survey.

Any computer with an Internet connection can be used, and access to the e-survey is simple and secure. The survey can be accessed through the link with or without an anonymous logon code by selecting the school district and school name where your child attends school. Provincial, District and School Reports for previous years can be viewed at the same site under the Results section. The e-survey site will be open until May 3rd.

Looking to better understand your child’s behaviour?

Family Smart has monthly online and in person events to help. Work shops like:

Beyond Behaviours: When Is It More? What It Looks Like at Ages 9 to 12

and many more…

Check out their calendar here

Homestay Families Needed!


Host an international student. Have a lifelong impact on a child from across the world!
Homestay remuneration is $1150/month starting September 2024.
Call Tania Hope directly at 604-952-5385!

Student Vacations during the School Year

Please understand that teachers are not required to provide study materials/assignments for students who are away on vacation during school days. Students may read everyday, keep a travel journal with facts related to the destination (in full sentences and/or well written paragraphs) and practice math facts (extension: math related word problems). Happy travels!

Medication requirements for students

If your child has any serious allergies or medical conditions, and/or needs to have access to medication such as an inhaler or epipen at school, there is a form that needs to be completed each year. Please contact Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Crawford, for more information and to receive the form.