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Monday, Jan. 22 |
Tuesday, Jan. 23 |
Wednesday, Jan. 24 |
Thursday, Jan. 25 |
Friday, Jan. 26 |
Upcoming Dates & Things to Note:
Upcoming dates!February 10th – Lunar New Year February 12th – First day of Kindergarten Registration at Pebble Hill Parent InformationPlease see below for PH PAC Fundraising Initiatives (A big thank you to all parents involved in fund raising!) Atlantis Day Spa: Pebble Hill PAC has once again partnered with Atlantis Day Spa. $10 from each $50 gift card sold will be donated to Pebble Hill PAC. These make fantastic gifts for Valentine’s Day!
Orders will need to be submitted by Thursday Feb. 8th at 3pm for pickup Monday Feb. 12th at 3pm in front of the school. (If you are unable to make that time please let us know at and we can make other arrangements)
Please use this link to order or the QR code that will be going home with each student this week:
Thank you for your support.
Krispy Kreme:
This year the Pebble Hill PAC will be selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts to fundraise!! Order forms will be going home with students this week. We will be selling (by preorder) boxes of one dozen Original Glazed Doughnuts for $15/box. Orders must be submitted with payment by 10am on Wednesday Feb. 7th. Cash, cheque made out to Pebble Hill PAC, and etransfer to using the password: pebblehill. If you etranfser, please write your name, and the name of your student in the comment section.
Orders MUST be picked up on Thursday Feb. 15th from 3pm – 3:30pm in front of the school. Orders must be picked up by the seller/student/parent (not each individual family member or friend who ordered from you). If you would like an emailed form or have any questions please email:
IMPORTANT TRAFFIC ALERT!*Please pass this message along to anyone who transports your children to school. The city by-law officer has informed us that there will be times when they are ticketing cars that are stopped or parked contrary to posted signage. This may include cars left unattended in the drop-off/pick-up zone in front of the school. Please stop and/or park only where permitted (Please pay close attention to road signs!) Please leave for school with ample time in the morning and/or afternoon to either safely drop-off or pick-up students or to park legally and walk students onto the school grounds.* Please avoid use of the school roundabout. Please do not leave your vehicle unattended in the roundabout, especially during drop-off/pick-up times. Please help to keep traffic moving at a safe pace in school zones. With the exception of the two fundraiser parking stalls won by specific parents, please refrain from driving into the Staff Parking Lot. PLEASE HELP TO KEEP STUDENTS SAFE! DRIVERS, PLEASE OBEY TRAFFIC RULES & SIGNAGE, ESPECIALLY IN SCHOOL ZONES. |
Student Vacations during the School YearPlease understand that teachers are not required to provide study materials/assignments for students who are away on vacation during school days. Students may read everyday, keep a travel journal with facts related to the destination (in full sentences and/or well written paragraphs) and practice math facts (extension: math related word problems). Happy travels!
Medication requirements for students:If your child has any serious allergies or medical conditions, and/or needs to have access to medication such as an inhaler or epipen at school, there is a form that needs to be completed each year. Please contact Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Crawford, for more information and to receive the form. |